Reflection on Social Media Case 7: Anthony Weiner's Post Blog Post

When we were children, the number one thing our parents got mad about was lying. When it comes to Anthony Weiner's case, it looks like he never learned that lying wasn't the best thing to do, nor was sexting underage girls.

Anthony Weiner is a Democratic Representative in Congress and was on Hilary Clinton's campaign, was investigated for sexting (sending sexually explicit videos and photos over text messaging or other social mediums) a woman that was 21 years old, and a 15-year-old girl. When it came to the 21-year-old's case, Weiner denied the whole thing, however, his story didn't match up with her's. Weiner later admitted to sending the explicit content to the woman and resigned from Congress. Months after his resignation, another case came out of him sexting a 15-year-old girl. His wife, Huma Abedin, divorced him the next year and he ended up pleading guilty to sending sexually explicit content to the minor.

How could all of this have been avoided? With how harsh the media is anymore, being a public figure he of all people should know that he needs to keep all of his media interaction clean. Personally, I know the importance of having a clean/classy social media presence from my posts to the content that I like and share, and also being careful of what I send to people via text message or through DM's; and I am a 20-year-old woman in college. This stuff is important and can come back to bite you in the bum if you are dumb about it. With your social media presence, you should be proactive and appropriate. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn't want your grandma to see it, should you really be posting it?

Overall, this case could have not been blown out of proportion if he simply stated the truth and owned up to his actions. Yes, there would have been implications for his actions, but definitely not 21 months in prison. What is worse, telling the truth or having almost two years of your life taken away? It is your choice, but always remember, the internet is not a safe place, it will be found one way or another.


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