Reflection on Social Media Case 10: Miracle Mattress Twin Tower Sale

WOW. That is all I can think of after reading about this case study and watching this commercial.

When the creative team for this company was thinking about the outcomes and responses to this commercial, I truly wonder how they didn't see it becoming negative. The event of 9/11 touched and ruined many lives and has changed how we live our lives today. I know that I am personally being affected by it, as my boyfriend is being deployed to go fight overseas because of the events and terrorism that have evolved from the horrible occurrence of 9/11.

The case study for this week is about a Mattress Store in Texas that closed after a commercial they released promoting their sale on 9/11, otherwise known as one of the worst days in American and world history. I am baffled at how they can try and bring humor into something like this? If anything, they should have done a commercial saying that they thank the men and women that fight for our country and that they will never forget, not talk about how they are going to be having a sale. I am truly BAFFLED.

When reading news articles and my peer's blog posts about this, I can see that I am not the only on that thought this commercial was tasteless. I am truly angered inside because of the lack of respect that has been shown from this company. News sources like the New York Times interviewed residents of New York and they said, “Who in their right mind would conceive of this?” another resident of the Big Apple wrote. “How any thinking person could believe this was a great way to promote a sale is beyond my scope. This is no way to boost sales, it is a great way to close a business.

Yes, the Mattress store apologized for their actions, and the pain they caused people around the nation, but there truly can be nothing done about how this company handled this situation. It was wrong in all ways and doesn't surprise me that the business had to shut down.

I am truly baffled.


  1. Same Erin! I honestly was shocked that this happened and that they didn't see this having negative outcomes! Great post and insights on your own personal life!


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